Catching Up!


I brought this with me on my visit to my Mom’s, but really didn’t get too far on it. I went to Connecticut for a few days to get my Mom settled into her assisted living apartment. I arrived the Wednesday before Easter and left early Easter morning. It was a stressful trip and I ended up getting sick. The doctor treated me for an ear infection, but I had more than that. I am just feeling better today, but not 100%. So, I am sorry for the lack of blogging during the past two weeks.

I completed the hand embroidered Block 11 for The Splendid Sampler, but when I washed out the Fabric Solvy, the thread bled. I should have known it would since it was a hand dyed thread that I had in my stash from my cross stitching days.



I will probably make a small pillow out of this one.

Until Next Time!

Diane Signature1

One thought on “Catching Up!

  1. Crystal says:

    Glad to hear you are feeling better! I was hoping everything was okay with your mom. Bummer about the bleeding floss – the block looks great and I love the variegated thread.

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